Tuesday, May 23, 2006

How to Play Badminton

How to play badminton with two small children, a Boston Terrier, and a piece of genuine blue school siding for a net.

Child #1 is on serve.

He serves to child #2 who is two years old and cannot play. She waves her racket around enthusiastically and the birdie lands on the ground.

The Boston Terrier steals the birdie.

Both the children chase the dog, screaming and laughing, as he streaks around the yard with his ears pinned back, completely mad.

Somebody retrieves the birdie. Mom promises to restrain the dog.

The game resumes.

Mom is distracted by something shiny and the dog slithers away. He steals the birdie again.

The children chase him down and after much screaming and laughing get their birdie back. It has had its red head chewed off. The rest of it is in the bushes somewhere, cannot be found. The other birdie is in the racket bag.

The game resumes. Mom promises to really totally pay attention and never let the dog get loose again. The toddler is now feeding him sticks which he earnestly chews into spitty shards. The boy serves again, and makes it over the "net."

What impresses me is their perseverence.

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