Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Boxing the Compass: A Printable Compass Worksheet

Welcome to the Little Blue School. In our pirate class (by which I mean our very serious literature class about Treasure Island, which happily was populated exclusively by small boys and therefore turned almost immediately into pirate class) we learned about compasses and how they work.

Did you know a compass has 32 points? Well, it does. We learned sixteen of them, and did this worksheet page to help us remember where the points fall in relation to each other.

Compass Exercise: jpg or pdf

Want more compass fun? Try playing a game like Simon Says, except call it Captain Says. In our round room, we're going to "Captain Says" to the points of the compass. As in... "Captain says tiptoe West!" "Captain says crawl East!" "Captain says march north!" Now see if you can resist blowing their minds by saying "Captain says fly South by Southwest!" Hehehe.

We had lots of fun in our pirate class based on Treasure Island. Want to visit all my other Treasure Island resources? How about the Little Blue School Idea Box which has lots of other lesson plans and fun homeschooling ideas? I'm so glad you found this site. I hope you stick around and poke some links. You are welcome here!

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  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    You are endlessly clever and creative. Those are lucky little boys.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this beautiful compass. We are making maps of 'Williamsburg' tomorrow in our girls book club and though I probably won't teach the points of the compass in any memorable way, it will be a great enrichment opp for the class.
